Although bathtubs certainly have their place, they're not right for everyone. For many individuals, a walk-in shower is a much more practical solution. Unfortunately, countless homeowners are stuck dealing with a bathtub even though they rarely use it. This is especially the case for older homes. If you find yourself in this situation, you may be considering whether it's worth it to invest in a full bathtub-to-shower conversion.
There are many benefits that are a result of converting your tub to your shower - some obvious, some more subtle. If you're debating whether or not a conversion is right for you and your family, analyze your needs and consider the advantages. In most cases, you'll find that a walk-in shower from a reputable bathroom remodeling company is a much better universal bathing fixture.
Safety Benefits of a Bathtub Conversion
Safety reasons are the biggest reason why people decide to invest in a tub-to-shower conversion. For older individuals and those who are mobility impaired, a bathtub can be extremely dangerous. This is because of the high tub sidewall and slick surface. A walk-in shower lets you stroll right in without having to take any hazardous steps. They can also be outfitted with non-slip surfaces that make bathing even safer.
Style and Aesthetic Considerations
Function doesn't have to be the only reason to invest in a tub conversion. For many homeowners, a standalone shower is simply more visually appealing. Walk-in showers allow you to add a hinged or sliding door, removing the need for a cold and ugly shower curtain. You can also customize your shower with a variety of wall surround options for extra style.
More Convenient Bathing
When it comes down to it, showers are simply more convenient for the vast majority of the population. Everyone lives busy lives and you deserve to be able to walk right into a shower, get clean, and go about your day. Rather than waiting for a bathtub to fill up or dealing with multiple different handles and knobs, you can simply turn on your shower and relax. There are several different accessories that you can implement to make it even easier for yourself.
Talk With the Team at Homewerks Today to Receive a Conversion Quote
If you're an individual who could benefit from a bathroom conversion, Homewerks is here to help you. With our quality products and team of installation professionals, you can be confident that your bathroom remodel will be completed to perfection. We are rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau and offer a range of other services for homeowners. Reach out to us today to secure a free quote and to get your home remodeling project started!
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